You deserve to know how your body works and get in charge of your fertility

The tools are here. The knowledge is here. The support is here.

Hi! I'm so happy you're here.

I’m Greta - fertility awareness mentor, childbirth educator & birth doula with a background in mental health. I’m also a mom to an awesome 5 yr old, a wife and nature lover.

I support women and their partners in achieving their most powerful, sovereign fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience.

I teach women how to avoid pregnancy/conceive naturally with fertility awareness while healing their cycles and improving their overall health.

My way of approaching the reproductive continuum in women's lives has been shaped largely by learning from traditional midwives but also from science-based & academic studies. I love a good blend of wise traditions + modern findings.

I see menarche, pregnancy, birth, becoming a mother and menopause as rites of passage and I choose to only serve those that also see them as such.


Fertility Awareness Mentorship

Your menstrual (ovulatory!) cycle is a vital sign that represents your reproductive and overall health. When you know how to read the ever-changing biomarkers throughout your cycle, you’re continuously receiving essential information about what’s going on in your body.

Fertility awareness method enables you to know which days of your cycle are fertile and which are not - a win/win for either wanting to conceive or avoid pregnancy naturally.

Differently than hormonal birth control that shuts your hormonal system down (!) the fertility awareness method helps you live in sync with your hormones.

Pregnancy & Birth Support

Your pregnancy and birth care should reflect your unique personal story, emotional needs and values.

Pregnancy, birth and becoming a mother are initiations and sacred rites of passage.

Every person that cares for you and that’s in your birth space affects the flow, so you should not settle for any less than great connection with your caretakers and only hire those that feel like a great match.

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